Birth History Reflection session

2 Hours £130.00

Discussing your previous experiences with birth, whether previous pregnancies of your own, or your own actual birth, is usually a conversation reserved for spaces that safely respect your feelings and vulnerabilities.

You might be looking for explanations or viewpoint contributions from an experienced birthkeeper, or, you may be looking for support in exploring what your birthing experience means for future pregnancies.

For whatever reason you find yourself drawn to this service; I will hold a respectful space for you and help you with suggestions for further support.

The following scenarios are common reasons cited for those who have found this service helpful:

  • An induced labour that resulted in caesarean birth, instrumental birth, physical and/or emotional trauma to your baby and yourself

  • An adverse breast/chest feeding journey

  • Heavy-handed interventions during your birth that have not been explained

  • Making sense of pregnancy and birth medical notes obtained, and where to go for further translation and support

  • Avoiding returning to the medical professionals who harmed you and your baby

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